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How Does a Family Identity Aid Psychosocial Development in the Adolescent?

The importance of identity evolution for teens is huge.  The development of a confident and stable sense of self is one of the key tasks of being a teenager. The teenage years are usually the first time an individual begins thinking about how their identity may affect their futurity and their life. This results in many teens becoming extremely cocky-witting about themselves and the manner others see them and can result in a self-discovery and experimental stage.

Some teens are able to learn to develop and discover their identity in a salubrious and historic period-advisable way. However, for other teens, the time of identity formation results in participation in risky and promiscuous behaviors that could potentially accept a negative and lasting result on their lives.

Participation in harmful and inappropriate behavior tin be very concerning for parents of troubled teens. Nonetheless, it's important for parents of troubled teens to remember that all teens can get healthy and happy one time once again with proper treatment. A credible take chances therapy program teaches teens good for you patterns of thought and activity that can replace harmful and risky behaviors with positive and healthy attitudes, relationships, and a greater sense of cocky.

What is Teen Identity Development?

Identity refers to i's sense of equally an private and how they define themselves in terms of values, beliefs, and office in the earth. Self-identity in adolescence forms the footing of our cocky-esteem later in life. A teen's identity is the result of various internal and external factors. Though a teen has some control over their identity evolution, teen identities are as well formed past ecology forces outside of their control: peers, family, school, ethnic identity, and other social environments. A developmental psychologist, James Marcia, advocates that teen identity development occurs in response to crises in domains such equally school, relationships, and values.

Teen identity develops as teens try out different roles and attitudes in dissimilar settings, such as home, school, and social atmospheres which allows teens the opportunity to explore their own values, belief systems, personal ethics, spirituality, sexuality, and gender.

Why is Teen Identity Development Of import?

Identity formation in teens is about developing a strong sense of self, personality, connection to others and individuality. Therefore, a positive teen cocky-identity is vital considering it shapes a teen's perception of belonging not merely for their teen years but for nearly of their developed life. In improver, a positive self-identity is correlated with college self-esteem. Positive reinforcements of effort, skillful choices, and perseverance from parents can help adolescents develop a strong sense of self.

Erik Erikson, a psychologist, argues that if a teen does non constitute what their personal beliefs and values are then they will have an identity crisis. Erikson believes identity evolution is a key procedure for teens and that a failure to establish identity leads to role confusion and a weak sense of self later in life.

5 Common Ways Troubled Teens Display Their Self- Identity Issues

Every bit a way to navigate the stress and defoliation that comes with identity development some teens, turn to outside signs and symbols to help them define their identity. Les Parrott, Ph.D., a professor of psychology, developed the five most common ways in which teens demonstrate their struggles with identity.

Examples of Identity Issues

The 5 near common ways teens display issues with self-identity include:

  • Seeking Status Symbols: Includes clothing and possessions to create a sense of positive affiliation
  • Forbidden "Grown-upwardly" Behaviors: Some teens believe that appearing mature volition bring acceptance, so they begin engaging behaviors such as smoking, drinking, drugs, and sexual practice.
  • Rebellion: Many teens use rebellion as a way to prove that they are different from their parents and to exist accepted by their peers.
  • Idols: Some teens may place with a famous person and as a issue, try to go like that person. As a upshot, they lose agree of their own identity.
  • Cliques: Teens who are forming their identity will often form cliques because they practice not want to be associated with anyone with undesirable characteristics.

Once again, at that place are a diversity of ways that teens experience identity germination, some experiences being more harmful than others. In the sections below, we discuss the more serious issues in teen identity evolution and how parents tin assistance.

How Parents Can Assist Their Teenager Form a Positive Cocky-Identity

Parents are very important in terms of teen identity development. Teens with close relationships with their parents have lower rates of experimentation with drugs and risky sexual behaviors (Teen Connection, Mental Health, and Youth, PBS). For your teen, the process of teen identity development can be a stressful time and can lead to one feeling overwhelmed and unsure. Providing your child with a caring and accepting adult influence, whether y'all are a parent, relative, or teacher, is critical in securing a salubrious identity development. But spending time with your troubled teen is one of the most important roles you lot tin play in their life. The consistent and caring influence and presence of adults in an boyish'due south life is one of the best ways to ensure a seamless transition to adulthood.

Parents can assist their troubled teen develop a positive self-identity in the following ways:

  • Model healthy lifestyle habits and skills to manage stress
  • Teach healthy ways to handle life disappointments
  • Avoid making comparisons betwixt your teen and others
  • Give your teen compliments or positive reinforcement
  • Encourage and promote healthy slumber habits for your teen
  • Hold boundaries with your child while communicating love for them as a person

When parents have exhausted the above methods and yet continues to encounter their teen struggle to class their identity, information technology may be time to seek professional person assist. One of the all-time handling options in helping struggling teens develop a positive cocky-identity is through a apparent adventure therapy program. Adventure recreation has a long history equally an intervention used to promote positive change in promoting healthy identity development in teens.

How Can a Wilderness Plan For Teens Help Your Family?

Though it can exist hard for parents to allow get and acknowledge their teen needs external help, a apparent adventure therapy plan can relatively quickly and positively change your son or daughter's life for the better. Psychologist Erik Erikson advocated that teen identity development is fostered by experiences that let individuals to express their individuality and receive feedback and validation from others.

Hazard therapy programs provide experiences that promote healthier relationships and positive identity formation in teens. A credible adventure therapy program can as well positively affect a teen's self-perception, confidence, and leadership skills by providing unique experiences and challenging opportunities that develop competence and confidence from within.

Wilderness Therapy Promotes Good for you Teen Relationships

The activities of a wilderness therapy plan include unique experiences such equally rappelling, rock climbing, and mount biking. These experiences provide a novel and prime opportunity for teens to develop their identity and learn how to relate to others in a healthy and positive way. Enquiry shows the telescopic of adventure activities led individuals to drop their social facades and permit teens to become more open to self-reflection and feedback from others (Taniguchi, 2004). Furthermore, a apparent run a risk therapy programme allows troubled teens with a unique opportunity to develop meaningful friendships with peers and adult therapists because many of the activities crave participants to work together in teams in order to succeed.

Wilderness Therapy Promotes Confidence in Teens

Adventure therapy as well promotes confidence in teens. When a teen participates in a challenging activity, they encounter they can overcome obstacles and activities that seem difficult at the start, such as stone-climbing, hiking, or backpacking. Pushing past a physical boundary tin increase the youth's cocky-esteem and teach them they can do difficult things.

In learning that they can overcome hard odds, their perceptions of themselves and their personal abilities are improved. They can have pride in who they are and what they can accomplish. While engaging in these various physical activities, the trained staff give them positive verbal encouragement and feedback which too helps to increment their personal efficacy. Processing experiences during and later activities with therapists help teens internalize the experiences they are having and relate them to their sense of cocky.

Wilderness Therapy Promotes Positive Identity Formation in Teens

Inquiry shows that providing teens with opportunities for self-expression, feedback from others, new experiences, skill acquisition, and cocky-reflection tin can assistance facilitate positive identity development in teens (Duerden, Mat. Widmer, Mark. "Adventures in Identity Evolution: The Bear upon of Adventure Recreation on Adolescent Identity Development, 2009). A apparent adventure therapy accomplishes this through organized adventure activities that challenge the individual just enough to promote positive identity development. Within this spectrum of organized activities, a credible adventure therapy program teaches teens how to overcome challenges and develop a sense of competence, both of which promote identity development in teens.

Additionally, the recreational activities in an take a chance therapy program, such as hiking or biking, can play a critical development role for teens because it provides a context to participate in a challenging activity that will positively contribute to identity development and cocky-confidence. Along the manner, a credible adventure therapy program will provide the teen with experienced and caring therapists to provide helpful tools and feedback that can positively impact their identity evolution.


The process of forming an identity is a critical task of boyhood. Teen identity formation involves one learning how they want to express themselves and their personality in their ain unique way. This procedure tin can pb to some teens making choices that disappoint the expectations of some of your family or friends. Parents of troubled teens should ensure they are providing their teen with love, support, and healthy boundaries that promote healthy evolution.

However, when the choices your teen makes become harmful to themselves or others, it may exist fourth dimension to seek external help. A growing body of findings suggests that the organized activities a credible take chances therapy program offers can provide teens with lasting benefits in establishing healthier patterns and can assist teens in positive identity formation. With proper help, your teen can go their best self and feel content and confident in their own peel.

To acquire more about why teen identity is of import, download our FREE white paper today by following the link below.

Near Aspiro Adventure Therapy Program

Aspiro'southward Wilderness Adventure Therapy program was uniquely crafted to assist students and their families in creating lasting, life-long emotional changes through empathetic, intentional, enquiry backed, and safe outdoor adventure therapy programs. The professionals at Aspiro Adventure sympathise individuals don't come with instructions, and every student is unique, capable, and amazing in their own correct.

At Aspiro Run a risk, nosotros focus on helping adolescents, young adults, and their families through difficulties that occur when diverse emotional, behavioral, cognitive, or developmental issues are present. Research shows that engaging individuals on a personal level with strategic and intentional activities will help in developing the tools and skills necessary to engage life in a good for you and positive mode.

References & Resources

  • How Teenagers Observe Themselves by Scientific American
  • The Importance of a Child's Social Identity
  • Adolescent Identity Evolution and Distress in a Clinical Sample, Rachel Eastward. Wiley, and Steven L. Berman
  • Identity Development during Adolescence, Jane Kroger
  • Organized activities as contexts of development (pp. 185–210. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
  • Patterns of Interaction in Family Relationships and the Development of Identity Exploration in Adolescence, Harold D. Grotevant and Catherine R. Cooper
  • Erikson, Due east. H. (1959). Identity and the life cycle. In K. Southward. Klein (Ed.), Psychological issues (pp.18–171). New York: International Universities Press.
  • The Function of Advice Engineering in Adolescent Relationships and Identity Development. Betty-Ann Cyr • Steven L. Berman Megan L. Smith, 2014
  • Haggard, L., & Williams, D. (1991). Self-identity benefits of leisure activities. In B. Driver, P. Duerden, Mat D., Widmer, Mark A., Taniguchi, Stacy T. and McCoy, J. Kelly. Adventures in Identity Evolution.
  • Your Teen's Search for Identity By Amy Bellows
  • Anderson-Hanley, C. Grand., & Ellis, M. V. (1996). Enhancing identity development: Efficacy of outward spring-type plan interventions. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, The Academy at Albany, NY.

Nigh the Author

  • Josh Watson, LCSW

    Josh Watson, LCSW



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